However, the biological functions and mechanisms of PER1 and ROS-related regulation of seed vigor in crops have remained largely unknown. thaliana enhanced seed vigor and longevity ( 16). Notably, 1-CYS PEROXIREDOXIN (also called PER1) is a seed-specific antioxidant in many plants that uses cysteine residues to scavenge ROS ( 16) interestingly, ectopic expression of its Nymphaea tetragona (sacred lotus) homolog NnPER1 in A. For example, mutations of the Arabidopsis thaliana tocopherol biosynthesis genes VTE1 and VTE2 whose protein products are involved in tocopherol biosynthesis significantly reduced seed vigor ( 15). Importantly, plants have evolved sophisticated strategies of ROS detoxification to avoid oxidative damage such as nonenzymatic antioxidants of ascorbate, reduced glutathione (GSH), tocopherol (vitamin E), flavonoids, alkaloids, and carotenoids as well as enzymatic scavenging mechanisms of SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE (SOD), ASCORDASE PEROXIDASE (APX), GLUTATHIONE PEROXIDASE (GPX), and CATALASE (CAT) ( 10, 11). The balance between the generation and removal of ROS could be disturbed by various adverse biotic and abiotic stress factors such as high temperature and high light ( 13, 14). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are often described as a common and key factor in the regulation of seed vigor, which must be under a strict control because they are usually considered to be highly toxic to proteins, DNA, and lipids ( 9– 12). Collectively, we revealed the genetic architecture of variation in seed vigor and uncovered the bZIP23-PER1A–mediated detoxification pathway that enhances the trait in rice. In addition, the control of seed vigor by the bZIP23-PER1A module was connected with that of the abscisic acid signaling pathway. We further demonstrated a direct interaction of the PER1A promoter with bZIP23 in seeds, which activates the expression of PER1A, and the genetic evidence suggested that bZIP23 most likely functions in a common pathway with and acts upstream of PER1A to modulate seed vigor. Similarly, overexpression and knockout of PER1A that encodes a key player in the detoxification pathway enhanced and decreased seed vigor, respectively. Importantly, transgenic seeds of overexpression of bZIP23 enhanced seed vigor, whereas its gene knockout reduced seed vigor, suggesting that the protein it encodes functions as a positive regulator. RNA-seq coexpression regulatory network analyses identified several transcription factors, including bZIP23 and bZIP42, that act as nodes in the gene network. Comparative analyses of transcriptome (RNA sequencing ) and broadly targeted metabolic profiling of two subspecific rice cultivars with distinct seed vigor during accelerated aging revealed various biological pathways and metabolic processes as key influences explaining trait differences. Seed vigor in crops is important in terms of improving grain quality and germplasm conservation however, little is known about its regulatory mechanisms through the encoded proteome and gene network.