To make matters worse, TextExpander’s interface uses such a tiny font (looks like 8-point) that lowercase letters in the Snippets appear as small as eight by 10 pixels, with no obvious way to enlarge them. Furthermore, during my tests, I noticed TextExpander sanitizes Snippets containing zero-width space, HTML decimal entity an invisible character used in typesetting to denote spaces without using space, but that’s about it. Unusual commas, quirky quotation marks, Cyrillic letters, and even spaces - there’s no telling what can worm its way into your Snippets. That’s just one innocuous letter, but it gets much worse.Ī plethora of these characters looks normal while corrupting the file or process they’re involved in. In a coding environment, omicron might cause errors and crashes, and it wouldn’t show up when searching for the regular “o” either. Sending an e-mail to an omicron-corrupted address would cause it to bounce back.

However, people can bypass it by pasting a part of the triggering word and completing it on the keyboard. The point still stands unless you’re running some other script or autocorrect tool, TextExpander will always do its job. Checking TextExpander settings and adjusting the Paste Timeout slider from 0.2 seconds (default) to 0.05 seconds (minimum) made the correction typing process more resistant to interruption. I made an AutoHotkey script that writes three misspelled words and held down a key as it executed - TextExpander corrected the first two, and it’s only the third one that was interrupted. To put TextExpander to the test, I used another text automation tool. Any intervening text or inputs will register shortly after. In addition, it is impossible to interrupt a TextExpander snippet through normal keyboard actions no matter how fast you type, the text will always get corrected.

However, if you don’t agree with the correction, press the keyboard combination for “undo,” and your typed text will appear. As you type in any document or application, the program will scan your keystrokes and correct your text or insert the snippet after the abbreviation.

Install TextExpander on your device, fill in the TextExpander login, and let it run in the background.